Monday, January 25, 2010

Peaks and Valleys...

It has been darn near forever since I last blogged... well since the end of the summer which is still a considerable amount of time. A whole semester has passed! Nothing much to update you on concerning the fall. However to recap quickly, here are some highlights:
1. Grizzly Bear Concert
2. Bob Dylan Concert
3. Omaha trip (first birthday since I turned 16 that I was in the presence of family and friends)
4. I was accepted back in my program.
5. I got a 3.8 taking 18 hours and working on two shows. Sucka!

This semester should be considerably less stressful overall. Although I have no plans to see any amazing shows... yet. That is subject to change.
I was sitting in my Technical Writing class today talking about resumes and instruction manuals and blah blah blah when it occurred to me, I have time to blog.

I then zoned into the lecture in which we were actually talking about brainstorming, at which point I zoned back out and began to take the few tips I'd heard and brainstormed for what I would write about in this very blog. After the substantial time that has lapsed since my last post, I didn't know what to talk about. Where should I start? Finally, as I was thinking about all the things I had to say, everything that I've found encouraging and everything that has seemed dismal, I noticed there was a theme (!),
Peaks and Valleys.

One thing has been on my mind like crazy since Christmas. The Future. It hit me like a Bay Harbor Butcher bag to the ocean floor, "This time next year I'll be done with school." I'm only leasing an apartment through next December which means FURTHERMORE (always wanted to do that) that I won't be in Springfield. Hard to explain, but I feel like if you know me, I wouldn't have to. Springfield is home. College has been such a blessing in my life. Here, I've become someone I'm proud to be. I have made friends I want to display like trophies and I have received an education that has refined my talents to be something I'm happy to put my name to.
I'm on a high peak looking down at all that God has blessed me with and the view is great.
Next year, I'll be scared. I'm going to be on a quick decline into a frightening valley. The worst of it is in the unknown.

What the crap am I going to do!? Seriously feel free to give me suggestions. I'm going to send Ellen DeGeneres my resume everyday after graduation until she gives me a job. I've also been making up characters in preparation for my SNL audition. *Insert your idea here*.

But I have faith in the valley. It's easy to say that a year out, but I KNOW that even from the valley I'll have a great view. I won't be able to see everything from where I'm standing, only what's right in front of me. That's all I need though. I could always look back at the view and smile. Some of the things I love the most are great illustrations of how peaks and valleys have their places. Icthus for instance has years where numbers are off the charts and the next year could only have 30 kids committed. It always makes a comeback because God has blessed it and the people who love Icthus, who pray for Icthus, who have Icthus to thank for *Insert your story here*. Saturday Night live goes through it's waves too. I mean we can all figure it will be awesome when I'm on ;) but that show sometimes just has an off skit, show or season. I still love it and it always makes a comeback because God's blessed it. Haha... but really, I have faith in these things. What disservice am I doing God when I don't have faith that he would do the same in my life? I have to figure there will eventually be an incline somewhere towards the horizon.