Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The March

Hello. Long time no write. So here I am.

I'm in a very weird place that I think it's impossible to describe but that some may be able to relate to. My last blog touched upon it. In one way, I'm the happiest I've ever been and the most content. I love where God has me, who he has me here with and he's blessed me so much that I can't help but have faith in His faithfulness. Everything having to do with where I am in my walk can directly correlate with the fact that I am graduating in T minus one year. I have always been confident (at times overly so), I've always done well in art, I've always been able to make friends but it's how God has refined me in these past few years in Springfield that I'm utterly proud of. But with contentment comes this scary gray zone I like to call COMPLACENT. I'm comfortable to be here and I'd stay in a heart beat but I'm struggling constantly with not being stagnant. God has claimed to have plans for me and I need to trust that. Let me tell you in the most blatant way (and this is where my mother has rubbed off on me) it. is. as. scary. as. cuss. (haha, cuss)
This is why Im leaving come December. No matter what. God, I'm yours.
I have an amazing bible study this semester, of girls who have taken/will be taking all sorts of routes. I see God in their lives and I'd be a fool to deny him in my own. All 7 of us are graduating in the next year. It's good to know I'm not the only one with unceasing wonder and worrying for whats to come.
So friends, my brothers and sisters, I ask that you please pray for me this year. That I can continue to be content with what I have and hopeful for whats to come. Pray for me and others in my shoes as we take the march.

Speaking of March... it's almost here.
Mustache March
I learned how to ventilate wigs this time last year and this is my Salvador Dali mustache I made. Look boys, I'm in too!

I have big plans to paint my bike with an Art Nouveau motif. I'll start this weekend. Pictures soon.

Next week is my second theater conference this semester, SETC. Ill soon be figuring out where Ill be this summer for my internship, very exciting. I'm currently designing a production of The Cradle Will Rock so thats keeping me busy. Here are pictures from the show I just finished, a modern/urban Macbeth:
In Progress
Show Night

I feel like I have passion again for creating, which I'd lost from burnout. I've been encouraged and God has allowed me to feel accomplished in my talents.

I've been crafting like crazy. My goal is to start making some of these things to sell. Then I want to donate 100% of the profit to different organizations starting with the Alice Project. My way of tithing. I'll post more details as I know them but let me know if you are interested!

Hair Accessories
A Pin I made for my friend Austin (pic is blurry, my bad)
FELT! Owl Paint Brush Holder, Stuffed Raccoon, Cassette Tape i Pod Case
I've knit Scarvies!
A drawstring bag I made for my mom's clothespins!

Also, Ive made a commitment to myself. I'm only taking 12 hours of school when I'm used to 18, so I've decided to buy a book with every paycheck and read more for PLEASURE!!!!!!!!!! yay! Look at all the books I got for Christmas and since:

That's 21 books right there.

Thanks for reading!
Love and Rockets,

and yes, that is the closing to the show "My Life As Liz". She stole my life so I figured I could steal her sign off ;)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love your little crafty things! You should make an etsy account. I got my necklace, bracelet, and veil for the wedding off there. :)

    P.S. Have you heard the new Rocket Summer album yet? Because I still associate you with him. :) Love you and miss your face!!!!

  3. Gosh, Liz. I just stinkin' love you. Please blog more. I absolutely love what you have to say.

    You'll definitely be in my prayers. if and when I pray. Praying makes me uncomfortable but I guess that's part of the beauty of following Christ.
